Certification & Engineering
Aerotex Interiors can assist in the engineering/certification/manufacturing of aeronautical products. Prototyping to Finish Product Development.

View any of our current certifications below
- ALR-72-01: Approval Limitation Record of Aeronautical Product
- C-RAP01-031: Repair Design Certificate for Aircraft Seatbelts
- CGD-#26341: Certification for Controlled Good Program
- FAA STC SR04279NY: 206L-series and 407 Wall Blanket Installation, 2
- STC SA12-60: Seat back and Seat Base, 2
- STC SH12-45: Interior Wall Blanket Installation
- STC SH12-47: Interior Wall Blanket Installation
- STC SH16-55-1: Replacement Flight Crew and Passenger Seat Cushions, Seat Back, and Seat Base
- STC SH18-52: Interior Wall Blanket Installation
- TCCA AMO 72-01: Approved Maintenance Organization
- TCCA AO 21: Approved Organization, 2
- TCCA PDA19-41: Part Design Approval for Bell Mediums Soft Interiors Replacement, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7